Planning - Deciding on a direction to take:


As the main focus was to further improve on Sound Design and Game Design skills, researching into a project idea that could benefit both of these roles was crucial. Looking at various game examples that currently exist to grasp what made them stand out for their mechanics and gameplay aspects.


Taking notes from the games played to document the information discovered, so a better understanding of the games genre and area that would best suit these roles.


Planning - Additional research:


Whilst exploring these options, there was a few game examples that stood out the most. Games such as Wii Tanks, Blind and One Sound Shot. These specifically relied on using sound in unique ways to make the player feel that they are limited to relying on sound to survive. 



Inspired by this, a better understanding of what direction  to take this project was grasped. However, due to being limited on assistance and resources to accomplish this, further research was then taken to find the best path to take the project. Such as looking at the games theme and more examples that had incorporated this.


Planning - Choosing a theme:


After looking at other examples, the best genre that seemed to work for the concept was a thriller horror. Where the player would be set in an environment, with an enemy who roamed the area searching for them. This simple concept could be achieved within the roles that were being pursued both as a Sound Designer and Game Designer.


For the enemy's style of choice, a classic sheet/cloth ghost felt like a more appealing option. This was because in older horrors, the design is iconic and easily recognizable. Furthermore, it proves that something as simple as a flying cloth can be intimidating.



Now that the enemy was decided, brainstorming the setting the enemy and player would be placed in would be the next step into the research. Abandoned Manors/Mansions really stood out the most whilst exploring the options available, making it the next focal point. 



With a general understanding of what was to be expected from the game/project that was to be developed, something new was explored. This was the possibility of trying to create a model for the ghost personally. Having the primary skills in Game/Sound Design be greater than artistic skills, this would test whether or not creating this model could be possible.


However, the opportunity to try and create a model from scratch for this enemy would only further improve independent skills as a Game Designer. Therefore, attempting the ghosts model was the next task that was undertaken towards the project.


Planning - Creating a basic ghost model:


As the game initially was to be set inside of a 3D environment, using Blender to create this model was the best option for this. Due to not having access to other modelling systems such as Maya 3D as well as just wanting to see what route the model could be taken. 


Blender had some simple features and tools that helped shape the form of the ghost, for example; it had a built in cloth modifier that would help shape the realistic moving cloth effects for when the skeletal mesh for the object could be set up for animation later. However, the skeletal mesh would be created if there was enough time as a developer to do so.



With this model designed, trying to create a simple animation for movement felt like the next steps towards making the enemy. Doing this artistic work would help the research into how the ghost should probably move and function within the project. Ghosts typically in film and games have the tendency to glide through the air, so that was the direction the animation was taken.


Here is a short video showing this:



Now that the enemy's design was further explored, a direction on where to take the game/project was decided. Meaning the progress for implementation of mechanics would begin. The first steps for this would be to create a simple grey box that could help test any features created through scripting and to help fix any issues discovered before finalizing a level.


However, shortly after deciding this, it was clear that no sound samples had yet been explored for this genre the project's focus was taking. So, the nest task on the list was to explore various sound effects and ambiences that could be used inside of the main project.


This was because the focus was not just improving Game Design skills but also to explore more ways to improve Sound Design for games. 

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