What went well?
Although there were several obstacles that halted the progression of the main project, it allowed further exploration into new engines. Despite having limited knowledge or understandings of how these engines worked initially, the experience gained from using them helped excel how many popular puzzle and horror games use some of these features.
Understanding how Unity's scripting logic worked helped towards learning these new engines and their programming languages. Further improving the knowledge gained from doing these mini projects.
What could be improved?
Even though these engines had improved the knowledge gained from a programmers aspect, there were many grey areas that still could be improved as a Game Designer. For instance, the artistic skills were still lacking due to having less experience within this area specifically compared to programming.
Additionally, having to start over in different engines (despite broadening understanding of programming logic), slowed down the pace of work production. Furthermore, meant that more development would be required to achieve the set ambitions for the project.
Continuing, it also meant that the mechanics developed within Unreal had to be simpler in concept for the time being before they could truly be expanded upon. Although this meant the level was basic and there were a few complications even by the end, it means that polishing these would be something that should be prioritized based on what would be essential towards the original aims/goals.
Plans for the future:
Within hindsight, the progression may of been slower than expected, but this does not mean the project did not excel in areas that limited experience had once offered. By this; the Ai in this project truly is random roaming compared to previous Ai developed within Unity, as before the Ai created would have to follow strict points to make it feel it is moving around the map.
Both Unreal and RPG Maker gave the opportunity to try and mess with different limitations for mechanics and types of mini games. From the understanding gained from Unreal however, achieving the original goals set out to accomplish are within grasp. If more time is spent inside of Unreal to better learn why certain issues (such as the 'E to interact prompt') were staying on screen, could then be applied to other features later. Additionally, would further improve the skills of programming in different engines.
Although currently there have been multiple issues that would need fixing as demonstrated with the videos and from playtesting, a lot of these issues could of been avoided if more time was available to develop inside of Unreal. That being said, starting over is a common occurrence for indie/solo developers, and doing so multiple times during the course of development showed a consistent level of perseverance.
The new focus is to continue polishing the Unreal level to add more variety to the scene whilst implementing basic Blueprints to improve quality of life. Furthermore to try and accomplish fixing the known complications discovered along the way of development.
If these complications could be resolved at a relative pace, then new features (such as varied Ai) could then be explored to create new levels, challenges and methods the player must survive within these environments.
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